Monday, 30 August 2010


First header I ever did for blogspot. :)
Cube madness.


  1. This place kinda looks like you now. No more downloaded blogger themes...
    It looks awesome to me: clean and clear (Head & Shoulders). And the header is an art. :X
    Don't forget to put your name/logo on it in case it's picked up by somebody on the web.

  2. Simon ! how did you do this? i love it. i love the one below too! ! i didnt realise you updated your so much! will be a constant follower from now. =)

  3. @h.o.a : <3 yeah, I finally found what missing in my blog, my own design for it xx and i will think about creating name/logo on my work >:D<

    @Moon : haha, you can see what summer time has done to me !! Yeah, you should update yours regularly too, i love your hypnotic surreal doodles & collages <3
